DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) -4 : Swami Chinmayananda
25/10/2018 Slokam-3. Na mata pita va na deva na lokah na veda na yajna na tirtham bruvanti, susuptau nirastati-sunyatma-katvat tadeko-vasistah sivah kevalo-ham. na - I am neither; mata - mother; pita - father; va - ans; na - nor; devah - the gods; na - nor; lokah - the worlds; na - nor; vedah - the veda-s; na - nor; yajnah - sacrifices; na - nor; tirtham - any holy places of pilgrimage; bruvanti - speak of; susuptau - in deep sleep; nirasta - repudiate, cast-away; ati-sunya - beyond the Supreme void or non-existence; atmakatvat - Being the Self; tadekah - that one; avasistah - remains; sivah - Auspicious and Pure; kevalo' ham - alone I am. " I am neither mother nor father, nor the gods nor the worlds, nor the veda-s, nor sacrifices, nor any holy place of pilgrimade; for, in deep sleep Iam ( identical with Brahmam which, however, is ) not absolute voidor non-existence. Therefire, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone remains." ...