DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) - 8 : Swami Chinmayananda


"Na sasta na sastram na sishyo na siksha
na ca tvam na caham  na cayam parapanchah
svarupava-bodho vikalpa-sahishnuh
tadeko-vasishtah sivah kevalo ham."

na = (there is ) neither;
sasta = teacher;
na = nor;
sasram = scripture;
na = neither;
sishyah = pupil;
na = neither;
siksha = teaching;
na ca = and neither;
tvam you ( the hearer );
na ca = and nor;
aham = I ( the speaker );
na ca  and nor;
ayam = this;
prapanchah = empirical universe;
svarupah = true nature;
avabodhah = teaching of;
vikalpah = differentiation;
asahishnuh = does not admit;
tadekah = that One;
avisishtah = remains;
sivah = Auspicious and Pure;
kevalo ham = alone Iam.

"There is neither teacher nor scripture, neitherb pupil nor teaching, neither you ( the hearer ) nor I ( the speaker ), nor this empirical universe; for, the teaching of one's true nature ( the consciousness of Reality ) does not admit of differentiation. Therefore, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone remains."


Next Slokam:8.

To be continued  ...


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