DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) - 9 : Swami Chinmayananda


"Na jagrat na me na svapnako va sushuptih
na visvo na va taijasah prajnako va,
avidyatma-katvat trayanam turiyam
tadeko-vasishtah sivah kevalo-ham."

na = neither;
jagrat = waking;
na = nor;
me = for me;
svapnakah = dream;
va = and;
sushuptih = deep sleep;
na = nor;
visvah = visva;
na va = and nor;
taijasah = taijasa;
prajnakah = prajna;
va = or and;
avidyatma-katvat = are of the nature of nescience;
trayanam = of these three states;
turiyam = I am the fourth ( turiya ) ( beyond these three );
tadekah = that one;
avisishtah = remains;
sivah = Auspicious and Pure;
kevalo-ham = alone I am.

"Fo me there is neither waking nor dream nor deep sleep, nor I am the one conditioned by these three states ( Vaisva, Taijasa, Prajna ); for, all these are of the nature of nescience ( Avidya ); but I am the fourth ( Turiya ), beyond these three. Therefore, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone remains." 

Next - Slokam-9.

To be continued ...


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