
Showing posts from 2018

DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) - 5 : Swami Chinmayananda

18/11/2018 Slokam-4. Na samkhyam na saivam na tat panca-ratram na jainam na mumamsa-kader-matam va visstanu-butya visuddhatma-katvat tadeko-vasistah sivah kevalo ham. na - neither; samkhyam - samkhya (doctrine ); na - nor; saivam - saiva ( doctrine ); na - nor; tat - that; pancaratram - panca-ratram ( doctrine ); na - nor; jainam - jaina ( doctrine ); na - nor; mimasaka - the mimasaka (doctrine ); adeh - any other ( holds good ); matam - dictrine; va - and, or; visista - special; anubutya - by realisation ( it is revealed ); visuddha - absolutely pure; atmakatvat - my nature is; tadekah - that one; avasistah - remains; sivah - Auspeicious and Pure; kevalo ham - alone I am. " Neither the Samkhya doctrine nor the Saiva, nor the Pancaratra, nor the Jaina, nor the Mimamsaka, nor any other ( doctrine ) holds good; for, by special realisation it is revealed that my  nature is absolutely Pure. Therefore, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone re...

DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) -4 : Swami Chinmayananda

25/10/2018 Slokam-3. Na mata pita va na deva na lokah na veda na yajna na tirtham bruvanti, susuptau nirastati-sunyatma-katvat tadeko-vasistah sivah kevalo-ham. na - I am neither; mata - mother; pita - father; va - ans; na - nor; devah - the gods; na - nor; lokah - the worlds; na - nor; vedah - the veda-s; na - nor; yajnah - sacrifices; na - nor; tirtham - any holy places of pilgrimage; bruvanti - speak of; susuptau - in deep sleep; nirasta - repudiate, cast-away; ati-sunya - beyond the Supreme void or non-existence; atmakatvat - Being the Self; tadekah - that one; avasistah - remains; sivah - Auspicious and Pure; kevalo' ham - alone I am. " I am neither mother nor father, nor the gods nor the worlds, nor the veda-s, nor sacrifices, nor any holy place of pilgrimade; for, in deep sleep Iam ( identical with Brahmam which, however, is ) not absolute voidor non-existence. Therefire, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone remains." ...

DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) -3 : Swami Chinmayananda

28/09/2018 Slokam-2. "Na varna na varnasram-achara-dharma na me dharana-dhyana-yagadayo-pi, anatma-srayaham mana-dhyasa-hanah tadeko-vasishtah sivah kevalo-ham." na = ( I am ) neither; varna = castes; na = nor; varna-asrama-achara-dharmah = the rules of caste, society and custom; na = nor; me = for me; dharana = concentration; dhyana = meditation; yoga = yoga; adayah = etc ( nother practices ); api = even also; anatma = not-Self; asraya = is rooted in; aham = I; mama = mine; adhyasa = illusion; hanah = dispellable ( by the knowledge of Self ); tat-ekah = that one; avishistah = remains; sivah = Auspicious and Pure; kevalah = alone; aham = I am. " I am neither castes nor the rules of caste, society and custom, Yoga and other practices; for all this illusion of 'I' and 'Mine' is rooted in the not-Self, and is therefore dispellable by the knowledge of the Self. Therefore, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone re...

DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) -2. : Swami Chinmayananda

08/09/2018 2. SLOKAM-1. Na bhumim-na-toyam na tejo na vayuh na kham nendriyam va na tesam samuhah anaikanti-katvat susuptyeka-siddhah tadeko-vasishtah sivah kevalo-ham. na - (I am) not, neither; bhumih - earth, na - nor; toyam - water; na - nor; tejah - fire; na - nor; vayuh - air; na - nor; kham - ether ( sky, space ); na - nor; indriyam - sense organ; va - and; na - nor; tesam - their, these; samuhah - aggregate, combination; anaika - all these; antikatvat - are transient, variable by nature; susupti - deep sleep; eka - unique experience of; siddhah - (Self ) whose existence is proved; tat ekah - that one; avasishtah - remains; sivah - Auspicious and Pure; kevalah - alone; aham - I am. Essence ( Tattvam ) : " I am neither earth nor water, nor fire, nor air, nor ether, nor sense organ, nor the aggregate of all these; for all these are transient, variable by nature, while the Self is that whose existence is proved by the unique experienc...

DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) -1. : Swami Chinmayananda

18/08/2018 DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) : Swami Chinmayananda 1. Introduction : This bunch of ten slokam-s issued forth from the bosom of Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya,  when Swamiji met his "GURU GOVINDAPADA" for the first time. The Guru asked Swamiji who he was, and the latter's reply was in the form of these ten slokam-s, each ending with the words " SIVAH KEVALO'HAM" ( I am of the form of Pure Auspiciousness ). They sparkle with subtle meditative thoughts and are chanted by VEDANTIK STUDENTS to lift themselves into high moods of meditation. It is also said the Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya gave out these very verses to the disciples before Swamiji's disappearance from this world, when they asked Swamiji, to instruct them specifically on the ideas to be contemplated and meditated upon. Next : Slokam-1. To be continued ...