DASA SLOKI : THE TEN - VERSED HYMEN ( I am that One Sivam ) - 5 : Swami Chinmayananda

18/11/2018 Slokam-4. Na samkhyam na saivam na tat panca-ratram na jainam na mumamsa-kader-matam va visstanu-butya visuddhatma-katvat tadeko-vasistah sivah kevalo ham. na - neither; samkhyam - samkhya (doctrine ); na - nor; saivam - saiva ( doctrine ); na - nor; tat - that; pancaratram - panca-ratram ( doctrine ); na - nor; jainam - jaina ( doctrine ); na - nor; mimasaka - the mimasaka (doctrine ); adeh - any other ( holds good ); matam - dictrine; va - and, or; visista - special; anubutya - by realisation ( it is revealed ); visuddha - absolutely pure; atmakatvat - my nature is; tadekah - that one; avasistah - remains; sivah - Auspeicious and Pure; kevalo ham - alone I am. " Neither the Samkhya doctrine nor the Saiva, nor the Pancaratra, nor the Jaina, nor the Mimamsaka, nor any other ( doctrine ) holds good; for, by special realisation it is revealed that my nature is absolutely Pure. Therefore, I am that One, Auspicious and Pure, that alone re...